12 Days of Christmas Day 5
December 30, 2023

12 Days of Christmas by Pastor Nate December 30, 2023

This devotional series has 12 entries intended to carry through the Liturgical season of Christmas. I searched my memory and surveyed a bunch of parents to come up with twelve actual thoughts we had during our first days as parents. Perhaps these are also thoughts Mary or Joseph had during those first few days in Jesus’ infancy.

I think I’m getting the hang of this…

In my experience, it’s somewhere around day 5 when you start to get into a rhythm with a newborn. Yes, you’re tired, but you start to fill like you’ve figured out how this all is going to work. It’s a comforting feeling, to have a rhythm for handling the days and the nights and the tasks of getting meals on the table and keeping the house from becoming a total disaster. You know what needs to get done, you know how to manage the tasks, and you kind of know how the baby will respond.

When I think about the core message of Christmas, it seems to me that God knew exactly what we needed most. Christmas is all about God choosing to enter creation in order to be with us. God is not some distant figure that we can’t access or connect with; God is the one who becomes a tiny baby, vulnerable and fragile, in order to better connect with us. When we feel vulnerable or fragile or lonely, the story of Jesus’ birth reminds us that God chose to willingly embrace all of these realities. God intimately understands the emotions and struggles we face and God wants to be with us in that pain, to accompany us through it all.

INVITATION:  The feeling of competence, in any area of life, is powerful. Today, take some time to consider what practices and activities you need in order to feel grounded in your life of faith. What commitments do you need to keep in order to grow in your relationship with God? What practices help you feel connected to the God who longs to connect with you?

By Janet Mortinsen, Director of Pastoral Care October 1, 2024
From Janet Mortinsen, Director of Pastoral Care
By Pastor Gary Sandberg October 1, 2024
God is looking for us to be in a relationship with God. And when that happens, then we realize there is no sin that could overpower us. There is no suffering that could destroy us. There is no ailment that could completely control us because we have chosen to allow God's power to be that which we will live by.  Will you suffer? Probably. Will you ever be sick? Most likely. Will you ever feel like you're alone? Possibly. But God is never far away. In fact, God is as close as your next prayer. God is as close as the next time you simply ask for that relationship to be restored. God is always with you, and God wants you to follow. If you're not sure what it is that God has gifted you to, if you're not sure where it is that God is leading you, maybe just take a moment and find out how close God is. Just pray for when you pray, God will be there. Amen
By Kyra Morgan September 27, 2024
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him and He will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6 In a recent meeting, Pastor Gary told us that the majority of people who step foot in a new church have experienced a major life change in the proceeding 6 months. A birth, a death, addiction or sobriety, or a move of place or job. The question is always the same: "am I going to be okay?" And so it was with me. I was constantly anxious and plagued with ‘What if?’. The answer was whatever worst-case scenario I could conjure and believe me, I am creative. But, over these last 2 years I now know the answer without a doubt that, yes, I am and will be okay. My embrace of an undoubtedly merciful Creator opened my heart. Even in the darkest times I've found the Peace of the Lord in those people doing his work on earth. Peace, Kyra Morgan 
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