To participate or for more information, please contact one of the Outreach Ministry Team co-chair: Julie Bock.
Mission: Be the Blessing; Finding Joy in the Lord Through Care and Service.
Vision: Spreading God’s Grace by Loving Our Neighbor as God Has Loved Us.
Through our hands and resources, Outreach Ministry at Bethany responds to our communities. With partner organizations in our community and in the world, Outreach Ministry at Bethany supports and meets needs for clothing, food, shelter, physical and mental well being as well as processes for community reintegration that support self-sufficiency. Please join in the work of spreading God’s grace through Outreach Ministry.
An anchor partner is a non-profit organization or ministry that shares the same mission, vision, and core values as Bethany and its members. Bethany maintains long-term relationships with its anchor partners, and directs more substantial resources to these partners, financially, and with in-kind donations, and with volunteers.
Bethany’s anchor partners are: Metro Caring, Habitat for Humanity of Metro Denver, Inner City Health Center, Lutheran Family Service, Operation One Nation, Rainbow Trail, Sky Ranch, and Boy Scouts.
– Integrated Family Community Services (IFCS) – has volunteer openings for a group of 6 to help distribute food on Wednesday Mornings, 8:00am – 12:00pm
– Metro Caring is seeking volunteers to help ensure that our community continues to have access to healthy and nutritious food. Three shifts are available M-F for in-person service; 9:00am – 12:00pm, 12:00pm – 3:30pm & 5:30pm – 8:00pm (Bilingual English/Spanish volunteers are also needed)! Sign up on their site:
– Project Angel Heart is looking for volunteers to help make a difference in the lives of Coloradans with life-threatening illnesses by preparing/delivering thousands of meals each week.
– Warren Village needs volunteers to deliver meal boxes to residents who need food access. If you can help monthly on the 3rd Thursdays, from 3:30 – 6:30pm,
10% of the contributions to the Bethany General Fund are set aside to support the Outreach ministry at Bethany, both domestically and internationally. Most of those funds are managed by the Benevolence Ministry Team and the Global Missions Ministry Team. These two teams review grant requests for Outreach funds, and ensure that the proposed projects align with Bethany’s mission, ministry, and core values.
Below is a list of all the organizations that Bethany is proud to support through our time, talent, and treasure.
The mission of The Delores Project is to provide safe, comfortable overnight shelter and services to unaccompanied adult women who are homeless and have limited resources. Their model of service is one of hospitality, respect and regard for the dignity of each guest. In order to serve the most marginalized persons, those who do not easily access mainstream services, admission and program requirements are simplified.
We are committed to helping change the lives of Denver men, women and children who are experiencing homelessness or addiction in our city. Thanks to the support of friends like you, we meet their needs through emergency services, rehabilitation, transitional programs, and community outreach.
Extreme Community Makeover coordinates volunteer teams to partner with underserved people to improve their own homes and neighborhoods. These projects build safer environments; cultivate community among residents, neighborhoods, and networks of local resource providers; and connect residents to a permanent path towards healthy, hopeful, and stable lives.
Assistance for families in need of stable housing-Transforming the lives of homeless families. Because every child deserves a home.
Habitat for Humanity of Metro Denver is a nonprofit organization that brings people together to build homes, communities and hope.
Inner City Health Center serves all patients, regardless of ability to pay, with dignity and with high-quality care focused on their needs. In addition to many Health First Colorado/Medicaid patients, we serve the uninsured, the underinsured and those with private insurance plans. We have sliding-scale payment options for those who need it.
Integrated Family Community Services (IFCS) provides basic human services and enrichment programs to low-income people, using community resources. IFCS fosters self-sufficiency and respects the dignity of each client. It serves the people of Centennial, Englewood, Glendale, Highlands Ranch, Littleton, Lone Tree, Sheridan, and unincorporated Arapahoe County.
Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountains is a faith based, non-profit human services agency providing adoption, foster care, older adult & caregiver, prevention, and refugee services since 1948. We provide help and support to children and families during their most challenging times regardless of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation or age. At LFSRM, we believe that all people, from the newborn to the most elderly, are valued members of our community.
At Maria Droste Counseling Center, we help individuals and families overcome obstacles, heal from emotional trauma and distress, and achieve personal growth and satisfaction in their lives. In addition to therapy for individuals and children, we offer marriage counseling, family therapy, addiction counseling, grief counseling, and stress management.
As Denver’s frontline anti-hunger organization, Metro Caring works with our community to meet people’s immediate need for nutritious food while building a movement to address the root causes of hunger. Metro Caring offers innovative programming in Healthy Foods Access, Nutrition Education and Cooking Classes, ID Procurement, Urban Gardening, and Community Activation.
New Beginnings is a worshipping community of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) that meets inside the walls of the Denver Women’s Correctional Facility, a prison for women in Denver, Colorado.
Project Angel Heart prepares and delivers meals for people living with life-threatening illnesses. Each week, our professional chefs and registered dietitian prepare thousands of delicious meals, from scratch, and tailor them to meet the medical and dietary needs of those who are ill. Neighbors living with cancer, HIV/AIDS, kidney/heart/lung disease, and other illnesses receive our meals, delivered by loving volunteers, free of charge.
Thousands of people die every day in the developing world because local hospitals & clinics don’t have the medical supplies and equipment needed to save lives in their communities. Children are missing the chance to get an education and live a full life due to illnesses that would be treatable if they had access to proper health services. It’s Project C.U.R.E.’s mission to change that. Together we will deliver health & hope to the world.
Rainbow Trail is a year round ministry that offers an extensive summer camping program that includes on-site programs for all ages as well as Compass Points outdoor adventure program for Junior High and Senior High youth, and Bridging Borders mission trips designed for Senior High youth. In addition, Rainbow Trail offers retreating opportunities for the other nine months of the year including sponsored confirmation retreats, men’s Fly Fishing retreats, church worker training events, and family weekends amongst other retreat opportunities.
At Sky Ranch, We Provide Christian Camps, Retreats, & School Programs For All Ages. Financial assistance for summer staff and continued ministry.
STAR Institute for Sensory Processing Disorder was formed in 2016 from two merged organizations SPD Foundation and STAR Center. STAR Institute for SPD provides premier treatment, education, and research for children, adolescents, and adults with SPD.
Since 2005, There With Care has been providing support for families during the critical phase of a medical crisis, easing their daily stresses with compassion and care.
Founded in 1988, Urban Peak is the only non-profit organization in Denver that provides a full convergence of services for youth ages 15 through 24 experiencing homelessness or at imminent risk of becoming homeless. Our goal is to help these youth overcome real life challenges and become self-sufficient adults.
Urban Servant Corps is a faith-based, intentional community of full-time volunteers who seek to live simply while serving and accompanying those most in need at non-profit partner agencies in the heart of Denver.
The Rocky Mountain Synod Veteran Servant Corps Project partners with ELCA faith communities to recognize and support veterans. Below are the major initiatives that the Veteran Servant Corps Project is currently supporting. These include:
Each week at the end of worship at Bethany, we say "Respond to the needs of the world through generosity and action." Our country's homeless Veterans are waiting for and need your help!
Give to VSCP!
To make a donation, click the button, scroll to the button of the page and click the green give button, then select "Veteran Servant Corps Project" in the dropdown list. If you prefer to mail your donation, make a check out to "Rocky Mountain Synod" and include "Veteran Servant Corps Project" in the note.
Mail checks to:
Rocky Mountain Synod
7375 Samuel Drive
Denver, CO 80221
Warren Village exists so low-income, single parent families can achieve sustainable personal and economic self sufficiency.
Bright Stars of Bethlehem is a US-based 501(c)3 non-profit organization that promotes peace and justice; unlocking hope for Palestinian youth living under occupation through the ministry of Dar al-Kalima Lutheran University of Culture and Arts in Bethlehem, Palestine.
Providing hope, healing and renewal, short and long term, to people whose lives have been disrupted by disasters, such as hurricanes, floods, etc. in the United States and around the globe.
The Jacobsons have been ELCA medical missionaries in Tanzania since 1985. Mark directs & treats patients @ Selian Hospital that he founded, does community health outreach in Masaii villages, directed a major campaign to battle AIDS, & founded the 1st Hospice in the area. He was the driving force for the building of a second large hospital located in Arusha in ‘09. Dr. Jacobson then provided 3rd world to 3rd world outreach by directing the development of the clinic & hospital at Reconciliation Lutheran Church & Clinic in Juba, Sudan, referenced above. For an inspiring interview, go to:
Working with and through our congregations, in the United States, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands Lutheran churches overseas and other partners, ELCA World Hunger is uniquely positioned to reach communities in need. ELCA World Hunger makes it possible for the ELCA to respond, supporting sustainable solutions that get at the root causes of hunger and poverty.
Davison Zhou, who attended Denver Seminary & Bethany in 1998, returned to Zimbabwe and founded God’s Garden. This school for children in need focuses on religious and academic orientation and provides meals, uniforms, and Bibles in the Shona language, among other supplies. Currently, children can be sponsored for $40/month through Vision Trust International. Please click the link below for more information.
Globally, there are 60 million adolescent girls out of school. Girls’ education is one of the smartest investments we can make in creating change in the developing world. An educated girl will delay marriage and pregnancy. She is more likely to earn higher wages, invest her earnings in her family, and send her own children to school. When we invest in women and girls, we invest in the people who invest in everyone else. Because women and girls have the power to change the world, we are partnering with KGSA to educate over 100 young women living in poverty.
Since 1945, Lutheran World Relief has been at the forefront of effective, transformational global development. We break the cycle of poverty so families and communities can thrive.
Pastors Mawien Ariik & Waluot Reat, are 2 Lost Boys of Sudan who fled the war, made it to the US, eventually went to Seminary, then returned to become the pastors of the new Reconciliation Lutheran Church & Clinic in Juba, S. Sudan, a joint mission of the ELCA & Episcopal Church in Sudan. Besides teaching about God, they teach reconciliation to the traumatized people of Sudan. The clinic provides maternal and pediatric care & immunizations to the women & children, who have the highest rate of neonatal deaths in the world.
Tartu Academy of Theology, started in ‘92 by Pastor Enok Hammer, after 50 years of atheistic Soviet occupation dropped Christianity from about 80% to 15% in Estonia. After 27 years Pr. Hammer, and 3 of his pastor sons established Home of Hope, run by Pr Siimon Haamer. In 1 year, they have established Bible studies with 90 students, BA & MA degree studies jointly with Tartu Academy of Theology & the Lutheran Seminary, various events attended by 50 youth, a 24/7 pastoral care telephone line for the public financed by the Estonian government, & other seminars.
Redeemed Hope International School focuses on Christian education for girls and boys, health and a community garden for feeding the students in the rural counties of Nambia and Cape Mount, Liberia.
The Siberian area of Russia has 8 Lutheran congregations spread over a huge area, and only 2 pastors, one of whom is Pr. Manfred Brockmann, a missionary from Germany, who is now officially retired but still serving. Their challenges are people moving from Siberia, the churches not being allowed to talk about religion outside the church, the pastors, organists, & other church workers having to support themselves. They are exhausted, but “rely on God’s word & the faithfulness of our people”.
Focusing on Pakistani Christian women who are often victims of discrimination and violence due to their religion. WDA provides those women and their children education in reading, writing, math and reproductive health so they can improve their lives.
In 1979, StARS began serving refugees through English language instruction and community support. Founded by St. Andrew’s United Church of Cairo, StARS was one of the first organizations in Egypt whose “purpose is twofold: to provide high-quality services meeting unaddressed needs of refugees, and to provide a safe and inclusive space for displaced people to come together as a community.” The ELCA also provides support and pastors to St. Andrews.
A congregation of the The Rocky Mountain Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Church Office Hours
Monday - Wednesday: 9:00am-5:00pm
Thursday, Friday: 9:00am-3:00pm
Worship on campus and via live-stream:
Sundays at 8:30 and 10:00am
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