12 Days of Christmas Day 2
December 27, 2023

12 Days of Christmas by Pastor Nate December 27, 2023

This devotional series has 12 entries intended to carry through the Liturgical season of Christmas. I searched my memory and surveyed a bunch of parents to come up with twelve actual thoughts we had during our first days as parents. Perhaps these are also thoughts Mary or Joseph had during those first few days in Jesus’ infancy.

Is this normal? Should I call the doctor? I’m calling the doctor.

Worry. Do not be afraid. Clenched fist, letting go, meditation. Parents experience so much anxiety and worry during those first days of a baby’s life. It’s obvious that this little child is fragile and entirely dependent on you. This pressure and sense of responsibility can give way to some rather frantic thinking. With one of our children we did have a doctor tell us bluntly, “you need to chill out.”

I love how the Christmas story carries with it the refrain of “Do not be afraid.” This is what the angel says when he appears to Zechariah to proclaim the birth of John the Baptist. “Do not be afraid” is what the angel says when he appears to Mary to proclaim the birth of Jesus. “Do not be afraid” is what the angel says to the shepherds when the skies outside of Bethlehem burst open that Christmas night. I think one of the predominant messages of Christmas is simply this: do not be afraid. Yes, there is a lot in this life that can cause us worry, but God has chosen to be with us in the midst of all the worry and doubt.

INVITATION: Take a quiet moment for this “letting go” meditation. Begin by closing your eyes and taking a few deep breaths. Then, clench your hands into tight fists. Hold this clenched position for several moments as you hold in your mind a situation that is causing you anxiety. Continue to clench your fists as you talk to God about this worry. Then, release your fists and feel the release in your hands and arms as you place that fear into God’s hands. Repeat this process for any other worries you wish to release to God.

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By Pastor Gary Sandberg October 1, 2024
God is looking for us to be in a relationship with God. And when that happens, then we realize there is no sin that could overpower us. There is no suffering that could destroy us. There is no ailment that could completely control us because we have chosen to allow God's power to be that which we will live by.  Will you suffer? Probably. Will you ever be sick? Most likely. Will you ever feel like you're alone? Possibly. But God is never far away. In fact, God is as close as your next prayer. God is as close as the next time you simply ask for that relationship to be restored. God is always with you, and God wants you to follow. If you're not sure what it is that God has gifted you to, if you're not sure where it is that God is leading you, maybe just take a moment and find out how close God is. Just pray for when you pray, God will be there. Amen
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Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him and He will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6 In a recent meeting, Pastor Gary told us that the majority of people who step foot in a new church have experienced a major life change in the proceeding 6 months. A birth, a death, addiction or sobriety, or a move of place or job. The question is always the same: "am I going to be okay?" And so it was with me. I was constantly anxious and plagued with ‘What if?’. The answer was whatever worst-case scenario I could conjure and believe me, I am creative. But, over these last 2 years I now know the answer without a doubt that, yes, I am and will be okay. My embrace of an undoubtedly merciful Creator opened my heart. Even in the darkest times I've found the Peace of the Lord in those people doing his work on earth. Peace, Kyra Morgan 
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