This devotional series has 12 entries intended to carry through the Liturgical season of Christmas. I searched my memory and surveyed a bunch of parents to come up with twelve actual thoughts we had during our first days as parents. Perhaps these are also thoughts Mary or Joseph had during those first few days in Jesus’ infancy.
Worry. Do not be afraid. Clenched fist, letting go, meditation. Parents experience so much anxiety and worry during those first days of a baby’s life. It’s obvious that this little child is fragile and entirely dependent on you. This pressure and sense of responsibility can give way to some rather frantic thinking. With one of our children we did have a doctor tell us bluntly, “you need to chill out.”
I love how the Christmas story carries with it the refrain of “Do not be afraid.” This is what the angel says when he appears to Zechariah to proclaim the birth of John the Baptist. “Do not be afraid” is what the angel says when he appears to Mary to proclaim the birth of Jesus. “Do not be afraid” is what the angel says to the shepherds when the skies outside of Bethlehem burst open that Christmas night. I think one of the predominant messages of Christmas is simply this: do not be afraid. Yes, there is a lot in this life that can cause us worry, but God has chosen to be with us in the midst of all the worry and doubt.
INVITATION: Take a quiet moment for this “letting go” meditation. Begin by closing your eyes and taking a few deep breaths. Then, clench your hands into tight fists. Hold this clenched position for several moments as you hold in your mind a situation that is causing you anxiety. Continue to clench your fists as you talk to God about this worry. Then, release your fists and feel the release in your hands and arms as you place that fear into God’s hands. Repeat this process for any other worries you wish to release to God.
A congregation of the The Rocky Mountain Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
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