Social Justice Ministry

Social Justice Ministry

To participate or for more information, please contact one of the Social Justice Committee co-leaders Susan Pfabe-Wiggins or Colleen Maki


The Bethany Social Justice Committee exists to respond to the Gospel’s compelling message to love & care for one another (John 15:12) and to “do justice” “love mercy” and “walk humbly with our God” (Micah 6:8). As such, the Committee will provide a process by which members of Bethany can engage in programs and activities that will increase our knowledge about a variety of social issues and inequities, so that we might take action in ways that will serve to honor the message and purpose of Christ’s gospel.


On a quarterly basis we focus on a different theme related to social justice in our community and world.  Through a rhythm of activities that encouage learning, doing, and sharing we dive deeply into these themes.   And the conclusion of each quarter we invite the congregation to participate in Sophia's Dinner Church, a special event that unites us in worship and gives space for crucial discussion and sharing on the theme that quarter.   

"Learning" is a key focus of our work on the Social Justice Committee. Below are a list of books that have been read as part of the Social Justice Committees work and in other Bethany groups.  We have included a short synopsis of each book for those that would like more information.

Book Recommendations

List of Services

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