Miss Laura Tribby

Laura Tribby hails from Kalamazoo, Michigan, where she earned degrees in both trumpet and voice performance at Western Michigan University and lived in her father’s violin shop. Called by the mountains and sunshine, Laura moved to Colorado in 2014 and has since then performed with the St. Martin’s Chamber Choir, Colorado Bach Ensemble, Colorado Opera Chorus, Colorado Symphony Chorus, Denver Pro Chorale, Canto Deo, St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church Choir, Wellshire Presbyterian Sanctuary Choir and Celebration Singers, Denver Jingle Singers, Vittoria Ensemble, Opera On Tap, Colorado State University Conducting Seminar choir, Temple Emmanuel choir, Voices of Light Chamber Choir, CSU Summer Masters Lab Choir, St. John’s Cathedral Choir, Kantorei, and the Anima Chamber Ensemble. She directs the Jubilation children’s choir and Celebration youth choir here at Bethany and sings in the Chancel Choir soprano section. Outside of her thrilling chorus life, she is an active freelance musician and teaches voice lessons. She is occasionally a Colorado Honor Band instructor, as well, and enjoys working with younger students. Laura is in her fourth year of teaching general music at Maple Grove Elementary in Golden. In her free time, she can be found riding a bike, reading a book, or watching the clouds. 

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