Ash Wednesday March 5, 2025

7:30am Brief Order of Confession and Forgiveness, Imposition of Ashes in the Chapel

12:00pm Worship, Imposition of Ashes, Holy Communion in the Sanctuary

5:45 - 6:45pm Soup Supper in the Fellowship Hall

7:00pm Worship, Imposition of Ashes, Holy Communion Sanctuary & Live-Stream

Tuesdays in Lent: Bread for the Journey

 Lenten Worship 11:30am - 12:00pm in the Chapel

Wednesdays in Lent: Bread for the Journey

Join in Wednesday evenings for a community meal, worship, and education.

Lenten Worship 6:00pm-6:30pm in the Sanctuary

Lenten Children’s Worship 6:00pm-6:20pm in the Chapel

Sundays in Lent: Bread of Life Sermon Series

Sundays at 8:30am and 10:00am

In-person and via live-stream here.

All Lent Long - Walk the Labyrinth

As part of your Lenten Spiritual Practice, you are invited to walk the labyrinth downstairs in in the Big Room - 412. Click for Labyrinth Hours.

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