By Kyra Morgan
September 27, 2024
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him and He will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6 In a recent meeting, Pastor Gary told us that the majority of people who step foot in a new church have experienced a major life change in the proceeding 6 months. A birth, a death, addiction or sobriety, or a move of place or job. The question is always the same: "am I going to be okay?" And so it was with me. I was constantly anxious and plagued with ‘What if?’. The answer was whatever worst-case scenario I could conjure and believe me, I am creative. But, over these last 2 years I now know the answer without a doubt that, yes, I am and will be okay. My embrace of an undoubtedly merciful Creator opened my heart. Even in the darkest times I've found the Peace of the Lord in those people doing his work on earth. Peace, Kyra Morgan