“You Are Mine” by Justin March

“I will come to you in the silence, I will lift you from all your fear.  You will hear my voice, I claim you as my choice.  Be still and know I am here.”

“I am hope for all who are hopeless.  I am eyes for all who long to see.  In the shadows of the night, I will be your light.  Come and rest in me.”

“I am strength for all the despairing, healing for the ones who dwell in shame.  All the blind will see, the lame will all run free, and all will know my name.”

“I am the Word that leads all to freedom, I am the peace the world cannot give.  I will call your name, embracing all your pain.  Stand up, now walk and live.”

“Do not be afraid, I am with you.  I have called you each by name.  Come and follow me, I will bring you home; I love you and you are mine.”-

– The versus and refrain from “You Are Mine” by David Haas


Okay.  It is time to confess.  I have not been to church much this summer.  I could list hundreds of excuses for not attending, but they would be just that…excuses.  So, as I walked through the doors of our wonderful sanctuary last Sunday, I immediately felt whole.   I was surrounded by friends I have lost touch with, my heart was filled with incredible music, and the confirming messages of peace, hope, and love made me feel welcome in a space I had ignored for way too long.

I have conversations with people who tell me church is no longer relevant.  They feel that online options and internet devotionals are all they need.  And although I agree that the technological advances make practicing religion more convenient, nothing satisfies my hunger like sitting in that pew.  I become filled with The Holy Spirit, and my cup overflows as I take the time to relax, breathe, and immerse myself in the truth of knowing I am His.

Without the distractions of my cell phone, television, barking dogs, and undone chores, church becomes the place I feel closest to God.  I do feel him come in the silence.  I do hear his voice and feel claimed.  And as the fear washes away, the blinders are removed, and the shame disappears, it is in this building where God rests beside me and lets me know “You Are Mine.”

My friends, this world is getting dark.  Woeful economic news, political strife, and warfare are driving us apart.  Walls are being built, sides are being taken, and divisions have been created.  So where can we find a place where the commonality of God’s people can quench our thirst for truth?  It is inside the doors of these wonderful churches.  It is found in the sounds of the organ, the messages proclaimed, and the handshakes and hugs from those we hold dear.  And every time I allow the darkness of this world to get me down, it is the church that allows God’s light to shine bright.

So, maybe I am foolish to think that the church is still relevant in today’s society.  Maybe it seems silly to believe these four walls could bring me refuge.  And maybe, just maybe, I am wasting my time by spending Sunday mornings singing hymns, reciting liturgy, and partaking in Holy Communion.  But I can assure you this.  The church brings a peace the world cannot give.  The messages lead to freedom.  And the hope I feel when I walk through those magnificent doors is something I cannot and will not ignore.  The church builds community, faith, and restoration, and for that, I will continue to use my talents to glorify God and uphold His holy house.

If you are feeling unhealthy, worn out, or lacking purpose, try walking through the doors of a church.  Seek out the community that is praising Jesus and inviting others to know him.  And when you feel your emotions being taken over, your cup filled, and the truth proclaimed, you can go back into the world and let it know that God had a little reminder for you.

It may have taken some effort on your part to slow down and walk through those doors, but as you sat in that pew and rid yourself of the distractions this life is so willing to offer, you heard Him calling your name.  He sat beside you, he opened your heart, and he calmed your fears.  And now, you leave this place with the understanding that God wants you to follow him, he wants to lead you home, and you can find peace in the words he has spoken.  “I love you and you are mine!”