Council Representatives:
Kyra Morgan | Contact Here
Stephanie Davy | Contact Here

The Worship Ministry at Bethany takes many forms and is essential for our faith’s expression and growth.
We warmly welcome you to join in serving and share in this fellowship together.

Serve in Worship Now!

One of the most enriching benefits of being a part of a church is the COMMUNITY. Acts of Service are essential to creating a thriving church and we invite you to get involved! The Worship Team at Bethany has many opportunities so you can find what suits you best. Options available for both 8:30 and 10:00 am worship. Don’t know where to start? Contact the following leads to learn about service opportunities:

Learn to Serve Communion: Contact Stephanie or Kyra
Being a part of the distribution of The Lord’s Supper is an amazing and intimate experience, and a meaningful way to serve the congregation with your time.

Serve on Altar Guild: Contact Stephanie or Kyra
Members of the Altar Guild use their gifts of service and hospitality to ready the altar vestments, prepare communion plates, and clean up following the service.

Become an Usher: Contact Stephanie or Kyra
The important role of ushering includes greeting worshippers at the doors, providing bulletins, assisting in the distribution of communion and helping to prepare the sanctuary for the next service.

Become a Sacristan: Contact Dave
Sacristan plays a significant role in the worship service itself. Prior to service, the sacristan will straighten and light candles on the altar. During worship the sacristan has the honor to process and recess with the cross and assists with the Lord’s Supper by collecting communion plates.

Become a Lector: Contact the Office
The reading of God’s word is one of the most sacred times during the church service. Lectors meet one time per month to dive deeper into the lessons they will be reading that month.