“While You Were Sleeping” By Justin March


“Be strong and courageous…The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.  Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” – Deuteronomy 31:7-8


“Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” – Joshua 1:9


While you were sleeping the world kept turning.  Turmoil, warfare, hatred, and separation continued.  The underprivileged scurried to find their next meal, the sick cried out for relief and healing, and the lost wandered aimlessly in search of purpose and hope.  This harsh world you live in brings me pain and discomfort, yet I watched over you and your family while you were sleeping.


While you were sleeping I forgave your sins.  I understood that this world makes it difficult to be a disciple for me, and I let go of the disappointment that tried to encapsulate my spirit.  Instead of condemning your human nature, I chose to extend grace and love you as my own.  So instead of allowing you to wallow in self pity and shame, I washed away your mistakes while your were sleeping.


While you were sleeping I celebrated your success.  I rejoiced in how you took the time and effort to meet up with a friend.  I was ecstatic when I saw your text, listened to your phone conversation, and witnessed every caring message you extended today.  My heart was filled when I felt those warm embraces, those appropriate touches, and the healing that happens when you show someone you truly care for them.  And although you may not think what you did made a difference, the people you touched today are reaching out to me while you are sleeping.


While you were sleeping I prayed for rest.  I know what you have endured, and I know what you have overcome.  I know what makes your heart heavy, and I know what makes your soul weary.  Rest is what you need, and I want you to be rejuvenated and equipped to face whatever tomorrow may bring.  So, I hold you in my loving arms, breathe life into your depleted body, and try to give you comfort and peace while you are sleeping.


While you were sleeping I took the reins.  This world makes it difficult for you to give up control, and I understand your need to try to do this on your own.  I get it.  You do not want to look weak, and you do not want to feel helpless.  But have I not proven that my shoulders can bear a heavy load?  Have I not shown you that I can overcome any obstacle and erase every hardship?  I truly understand that giving your life to me feels risky, so I whispered reassuring messages in your ears while you were sleeping.


While you were sleeping I told you I loved you.  I gave you the tools needed to do my work, and I equipped you with the messages I want you to share.  I asked you to let your light shine before others, and I promised to help you keep the flame burning.  I prayed that you would take care of one another, follow my lead, and extend my love and grace with every encounter.  And when you have fully encapsulated the promises I have made for you and your life, I will meet you at the foot of the cross.  For on your final day, it is there you will witness the fruits of all your hard work, and you will come to understand that you were a precious gift to me and the people I put into your life.  Bless you my child and never forget how great this life can be when you take my hand.  It will be a grand journey, and I will take care of you while you are awake and while you are sleeping!