
The life of faith encompasses several events and moments that we journey through multiple times during the course of a lifetime. The devotion below is part of an ongoing series that explores these central themes of Christian doctrine.

“Redemption and salvation are not just about me as an individual. Salvation is for us, a people. God wants to save us from our present life of hatred and fear and reconnect us all with God’s original plan.”

-adapted quote from Brian McLaren

We can spend a lot of time dwelling on our own personal faults and brokenness. But God seems most concerned with the ways that our personal sin can affect others and the world around us. The salvation that Jesus offers to us is meant to save us from ourselves. When we ignore the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the hopes that God has for our life, we are invariably find ourselves living in ways that are not best for us and that harm those around us.


God’s mission is for the entire world to be redeemed and restored. God longs for all people to turn away from self-destructive tendencies so that everyone can thrive. Redemption and salvation are us personal, but they inherently lead to the healing of so much more than just us.

Pastor Nate Preisinger