Jan 16, 2024

I will occasionally hear that someone on campus on a Sunday morning saw a person that they did recognize. In an act of hospitality, they asked “Are you new here?” And then quickly fled when the person responded that they have been attending Bethany for the last 20 years. The initiator is so embarrassed that they vow to never engage a new person again.

Some people have asked me how I engage someone I do not recognize, realizing that even I may not realize that the person has been attending Bethany on campus for some time.

So, today, a practical tip on engagement.

I actually practiced this phrase out loud before using it. I spoke it over and over again so that when I used it in front of someone it would sound natural. I say, “I’m Pastor Gary. I don’t have a name and face connected with you.” The beauty of this phrase is that it works nine times out of ten. If I recognize the person, now I get a name connected. And, yes, even I may have to be reminded of the name several times before it gets locked in my brain. If someone responds with just a name, I am cued in that they likely have worshipped on campus multiple times, maybe even for years. More often than not the person will respond with, “Oh no, you wouldn’t, I am new here.” And now I have a new experience. I will then follow up with, “Is Denver new to you?” At this question the person will generally fill in information that is good to have.

There you have it. Nothing fancy. But no embarrassment either. As far as I know I have not made a regularly worshipper visibly upset by wanting to get the name and face connected. And, no new worshipper has been offended when I did not call them out for being new.

So, get out there and introduce yourself.

Joyfully serving Christ,
Pastor Gary