
The life of faith encompasses several events and moments that we journey through multiple times during the course of a lifetime. The devotion below is part of an ongoing series that explores these central themes of Christian doctrine.

“God uses those of us who are flawed, who have weaknesses and God chose YOU because it’s that weakness and brokenness and those mistakes that give you a voice to reach those people who maybe feel like THEY don’t measure up.” – Diane Shirlaw-Ferreira

Many people will tell themselves that because of their sinfulness or because of their past they could never be called to serve God’s mission, but it is often because of our mistakes that God calls to us. Part of receiving redemption means taking what was old and broken and transforming it into something meaningful and life-giving.

Looking through the stories of scripture it is hard to ignore all of the mistakes and flaws present in the people that God chooses to use to accomplish God’s mission. Abraham was too old; Jacob was a liar; Joseph was hated by his brothers; Moses had a stutter; Rahab was a prostitute; Jeremiah and Timothy were too young; David was an adulterer and a murder; Naomi was a widow; Jonah ran away from God; John the Baptist ate bugs; Zacchaeus was too short; Peter denied Jesus three times; and Lazarus was dead!

It seems that God loves a challenge. Our past mistakes are not a deterrent for God’s call, they are part of the very reason God is calling us in the first place.

Pastor Nate Preisinger